Saturday, 29 October 2011

Marc Lepine VS. Cliffod Olson

Marc Lepine
December 6, 1989
École Polytechnique at the University of Montreal
Marc Lepine AKA the Montreal Massacre Went on an anti-femenist rampage killing 14 woman and wounding 13 others of both genders within 20 minutes The reason for this was he believed women where taking jobs away from hardworking men.. At 5 pm. Marc with his ''lightweight Sturm Ruger Mini-14, .223-caliber semi-automatic rifle'' Started his rampage moving among the halls and floors of the school. Marc Lepine was a Mass Murderer.

Clifford Olson
November 1980-1981 July
Tryingto rid himself of his sexual and sadistic desires. This true serial murderer had a cooling off period between murders and used this time to collect himself and continue. (much like other serial killers) Clifford was a hedonistic reasoning killer to which made him committ his spree. For example, a hedonistic killer seeks thrills and derives pleasure from killing, seeing people as expendable means to this goals. But the ease of overpowering a child is what made Clifford go for children instead of woman or young men.

The difference between mass murder and a serial killer is reasoning, timing, and amount killed within that time. reasoning's behind mass murders could a political statement (terrorism) or a getaway/cover-up , etc. Such witnesses of a huge crime being killed off. Whereas reason to motivate a serial killer could be to rid the world of a certain genre of people or to fulfill some kind of desire or emptiness. Mass murders kill numerous people in a short killing spree usually unplanned whilst serial murders involve killing 4 or more people with a cooling of period of a month or so.

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