Wednesday, 12 October 2011

hypermasculinites and male socialization connections to sexual assault...

Male socialization ===> To an up most certain degree males have been subjected to follow certain guidlines and meet standards in order to be true men. Though changed through the ages this pressure is constantly applied to males and such pressure includes being strong, tough, emotionless, and ready for any challenge. This pressure is emphasized at the begining of a boys life such as toys they are expected to play with action heros, toy guns, video games ect. but the majority include violence and how to be tough.

hypermasculine ==> Is the psychological termonology for the exaggeration of stereotypical male hormones though in a biological term it can be having an extra Y chromosome ( Having so does not neseccarliy make you hypermasculine ) but in both terms they can lead to instinctual paterns "survival of the strongest" and can lead to the encouragement of sexual assault.

Putting both Male socialization and a bit of biology such as added Y chromosomes ( increases testosterone ) and you can created a male plausible for hyper-masculinity. If willed enough then yes someone who was brought up in a males need to be tough society and has uber testosterone will likely commit sexual assault. But There are other reasons for sexual assault as It may make some men feel bigger or more powerful and for a lot of men the feel of control is quite high.

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