Saturday, 29 October 2011

Marc Lepine VS. Cliffod Olson

Marc Lepine
December 6, 1989
École Polytechnique at the University of Montreal
Marc Lepine AKA the Montreal Massacre Went on an anti-femenist rampage killing 14 woman and wounding 13 others of both genders within 20 minutes The reason for this was he believed women where taking jobs away from hardworking men.. At 5 pm. Marc with his ''lightweight Sturm Ruger Mini-14, .223-caliber semi-automatic rifle'' Started his rampage moving among the halls and floors of the school. Marc Lepine was a Mass Murderer.

Clifford Olson
November 1980-1981 July
Tryingto rid himself of his sexual and sadistic desires. This true serial murderer had a cooling off period between murders and used this time to collect himself and continue. (much like other serial killers) Clifford was a hedonistic reasoning killer to which made him committ his spree. For example, a hedonistic killer seeks thrills and derives pleasure from killing, seeing people as expendable means to this goals. But the ease of overpowering a child is what made Clifford go for children instead of woman or young men.

The difference between mass murder and a serial killer is reasoning, timing, and amount killed within that time. reasoning's behind mass murders could a political statement (terrorism) or a getaway/cover-up , etc. Such witnesses of a huge crime being killed off. Whereas reason to motivate a serial killer could be to rid the world of a certain genre of people or to fulfill some kind of desire or emptiness. Mass murders kill numerous people in a short killing spree usually unplanned whilst serial murders involve killing 4 or more people with a cooling of period of a month or so.

Monday, 24 October 2011

short and long term effects of being a crime victim

Being a victim to crime can have life altering effects all revolving around the type of crime, how long it has been happening, and how long ago it happened. For example if something was stolen from the victim and the perp got away it may encourage the victim that they may be able to do the same or even possible seek revenge for what had been stolen. Victims of more severe crimes such as rape may become massively insecure, develop insomnia, and try to remained locked up from the rest of the world.

longer term effects may include:
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Paranoia
  • Antisocial/violent behaviour
Shorter term effect may include
  • Loss of property,money, and other goods
  • Re-victimization by justice system
  • Anger
  • Resentment
  • Temporary fear/insomnia
So depending on the type of crime and how often/how long ago it happened these effects may come into play. Luckily there is hope therapy is open to help those of need and sometimes knowing that he law has caught the perp and thrown him/her in jail can be enough. Medical help to some degree can solve short term effects such as insomnia and insurance can cover some of the losses.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Auto Theft

Auto thefts are most likely commited from people who crave the thrill, have a connection with drugs, or need a get away from a previous crime the recently commited. Though these are just some motives there are many others mainly leading to poverty and in that case the motivations can become quite desperate. Most common methods for auto theft are theft with access to keys (leaving the keys in ignition), theft without access to keys, oppurtunist theft and carjacking ( in which is most infamous as it involves robbing the car while the owner and passengers are in it).

The top 10 stolen vehicles in Canada 2010 are:
  1. 2000 Honda Civic SiR 2-door
  2. 1999 Honda Civic SiR 2-door
  3. 2002 Cadillac Escalade 4-door 4WD
  4. 2004 Cadillac Escalade 4-door 4WD
  5. 2005 Acura RSX Type S 2-door
  6. 1997 Acura Integra 2-door
  7. 2000 Audi S4 Quattro 4-door AWD
  8. 2003 Hummer H2 4-door AWD
  9. 2006 Acura RSX Type S 2-door
  10. 2004 Hummer H2 4-door AWD

        Methods of protection are Direct from ICBC
  • Roll up car windows, lock the doors and pocket the key.
  • Keep the vehicle registration certificate and proof of insurance in a purse or wallet at all times – not in the glovebox.
  • Never leave valuable objects or packages in full view. Put them in the trunk.
  • Never leave a vehicle running unattended when getting a coffee or when the vehicle is warming up on the driveway. Approximately 20% of stolen cars have keys in them.
  • Always park in a well-lit and busy area.
  • At home, park in a garage if available and lock both the garage and car doors.
Canada statistics state that Canada is one of the highest ranking country for car thefts one every three minutes which is about 400 per a day. To which Winnepeg-Manitoba is the hotspot where out of a population of 100,000; 1932 are stolen.

Cops have a system called a bait car however; in which the car is left in a mall parking lot or other high theft area but this particular car is rigged to stop and lock the car where it stands trapping the criminal.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

hypermasculinites and male socialization connections to sexual assault...

Male socialization ===> To an up most certain degree males have been subjected to follow certain guidlines and meet standards in order to be true men. Though changed through the ages this pressure is constantly applied to males and such pressure includes being strong, tough, emotionless, and ready for any challenge. This pressure is emphasized at the begining of a boys life such as toys they are expected to play with action heros, toy guns, video games ect. but the majority include violence and how to be tough.

hypermasculine ==> Is the psychological termonology for the exaggeration of stereotypical male hormones though in a biological term it can be having an extra Y chromosome ( Having so does not neseccarliy make you hypermasculine ) but in both terms they can lead to instinctual paterns "survival of the strongest" and can lead to the encouragement of sexual assault.

Putting both Male socialization and a bit of biology such as added Y chromosomes ( increases testosterone ) and you can created a male plausible for hyper-masculinity. If willed enough then yes someone who was brought up in a males need to be tough society and has uber testosterone will likely commit sexual assault. But There are other reasons for sexual assault as It may make some men feel bigger or more powerful and for a lot of men the feel of control is quite high.