Monday, 26 September 2011

Theory for crime

Many theories have been made to as what is the reasons that crime happens. Theories such as those made by Ceasare BeccariaAuguste Comte, Emile Durkeim and others. Even with theories crime can be anything simple from a flash of adrenaline or a sudden impulse to something far more complicated such as a planned homicide.

My theory for crime is that
Crime is caused under ones own free will and that punishment is necessary to deter and abolish those that plan to and have committed a crime by setting an example to what will and does happen. Sterilization of feeble minded and mentally insecure humans preventing offspring can be an effective way to keep the numbers down from genetic crime; putting eugenics as an optimal way to fight crime. As criminal behavior can be passed down from one generation to the next. Other factors such the social factors living in poverty, poor school life, abusive family, religion or lack of, and many others can catalyst crime and that association with crime may influence towards crime. Opportunities for for positive behavior how ever will encourage a lawful behavior.